Перевод: с португальского на английский

с английского на португальский

to go up like a rocket

См. также в других словарях:

  • up like a rocket, down like a stick — The origin of this is Thomas Paine’s gibe about Edmund Burke’s oratory in a House of Commons debate on the subject of the French Revolution (see quot. 1792). 1792 T. PAINE Letter to Addressers on Late Proclamation 4 As he rose like a rocket, he… …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • go like a rocket — Australian if a machine goes like a rocket, it works very well. How s the new computer? Great, goes like a rocket …   New idioms dictionary

  • like a rocket — very fast, very forcefully …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Rocket (Buscapé) — is the protagonist and narrator in the movie Cidade de Deus (City of God). His nickname also means Firecracker. He was portrayed in the movie by Alexandre Rodrigues while his younger self is played by Luis Otávio.ChildhoodRocket s real name is… …   Wikipedia

  • rocket — rocket1 [räk′it] n. [It rocchetta, spool or bobbin, rocket, orig. dim. of rocca, distaff < OHG roccho, distaff: from the resemblance in shape] 1. any of various devices, typically cylindrical, containing liquid or solid propellants which when… …   English World dictionary

  • rocket — 01. Do you think that one day we will be able to send a manned [rocket] to Venus? 02. My son built a model [rocket] which can be launched up to 350 meters in the air. 03. Over a dozen people are dead, and scores wounded after a [rocket] attack on …   Grammatical examples in English

  • rocket — I. /ˈrɒkət / (say rokuht) noun 1. Aeronautics a structure propelled by a rocket engine, used for pyrotechnic effect, signalling, carrying a lifeline, propelling a warhead, launching spacecraft, etc. 2. a type of firework which shoots into the air …  

  • rocket — rocket1 rocketlike, adj. /rok it/, n. 1. any of various simple or complex tubelike devices containing combustibles that on being ignited liberate gases whose action propels the tube through the air: used for pyrotechnic effect, signaling,… …   Universalium

  • rocket — {{11}}rocket (n.1) garden plant of the cabbage family, 1520s, from M.Fr. roquette, from It. rochetta, dim. of ruca a kind of cabbage, from L. eruca colewort, perhaps lit. hairy caterpillar (the plant has downy stems) and related to ericus… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rocket — I rock•et art at Rocky Mountains [[t]ˈrɒk ɪt[/t]] n. 1) rkt any of various tubelike devices containing combustibles that on being ignited propel the tube through the air: used for pyrotechnic effect, signaling, hurling explosives, launching a… …   From formal English to slang

  • rocket — see up like a rocket, down like a stick …   Proverbs new dictionary

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